Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Passing the Test

Since my life has so many ups and downs it has been awhile since I've had the time to write anything. My mother-in-law fell and had a huge contusion on her forehead and two brain bleeds. Now she in totally incontinent, unable to feed herself, and can only walk about 75' with the aid of a walker and someone making her walk. She doesn't know who I am and didn't even recognize the dog when I took her for a visit. She is in Rehab now. My Dad was just released from the hospital last Monday from being treated for COPD and CHF. This means the doctors have messed with his drugs once again and he is now chronically dizzy so must use his walker and sleeps most of the time. A friend of mine said that God was using me as an example to my friends and family to show them how strong I was and that is why I keep getting the wind knocked out of me. Well, I guess I keep passing the tests that I'm presented with, but why or why do I have to keep being tested??!! I have to admit that I really enjoy the fact the Emily is not here, which also makes me feel guilty, however, I'm sure that she is way ready for a nursing home. I just can't take care of a bedridden adult in diapers that can't feed herself. I know one thing, I don't want to ever be in her shoes.


I enjoy scrapbooking, gardening, reading and antiques.

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